Friday, September 26, 2008

Favorites on etsy

There are some amazing artists on etsy that inspire and excite and just plain move me. Here are some recent favs
great color and lines here. painterly texture, love it!
can't help but love this one, for obvious reasons.
great artist who does beautiful figures

Art Exhibit and Reception

I'm very excited to say that I got accepted in my first ever art exhibit. It's a juried exhibit and reception being hosted at my local library on October 18.

The kicker is that I won't be here. But my parents will be here and will display the art and answer questions. Yay for parents!

Anyways, it's kinda a big deal in my little art universe.

Friday, September 05, 2008

okay, I sold that pear painting so I'll be quiet now.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Pear Painting

This pear painting is getting me really riled up. It's been on several treasury lists, on the front page of etsy, featured in blogs, hearted 26 times and still no sale. It's only $26.00 too!! Sheesh, maybe I should just raise the price.
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